Polyglot Node Server API

Documented here is the JSON API used for communication between Polyglot and the Node Server processes. This API will never be referenced directly by either by an end user and will rarely be referenced by a developer. It is documented here for continuity. Nearly each command and its arguments maps to a command and arguments specified in the ISY Virtual Node Server API documentation. The only exceptions are the additions of some commands necessary for Polyglot’s operation.

General Format

In general, each API message is formatted as such:


All of the arguments are named. Each message ends with a new line and will contain no new lines. Each message will contain only one command. Never will multiple command be sent in the same message.

Node Server STDIN - Polyglot to Node Server

The following messages may be sent from Polyglot to the Node Server to trigger an action inside of the Node Server.

  • {‘config’: {... arbitrary data saved by the node server ...}}
    This command is the first one sent to the node server and is only sent once. The arguments dictionary will be of an arbitrary structure and will match what the Node Server had last saved.
  • {‘install’: {‘profile_number’: ...}}
    Instructs the node server to install itself with the specified profile_number.
  • {“params”: {“profile”: 8, “pgver”: “0.0.4”, “name”: “nodeservername”, “pgapiver”: “1”, “sandbox”: “/home/Polyglot/config/nodeservername”, “configfile”: “config.yaml”, “interface”: “mqtt”, “path”: “/home/Polyglot/config/node_servers/nodeservername”, “isyver”: “5.0.4”, “mqtt_server”: “pi3”, “mqtt_port”: “1883”}}
    Params passed back from Polyglot to the node server with info about the node server.
  • {‘query’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘request_id’: ...}}
    Instructs the node server to query a node. request_id is optional.
  • {‘status’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘request_id’: ...}}
    Requests the node server to send current node status to the ISY. request_id is optional.
  • {‘add_all’: {‘request_id’: ...}}
    Requests that the node server add all its nodes to the ISY. request_id is optional.
  • {‘added’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘node_def_id’: ..., ‘primary_node_address’: ..., ‘name’: ...}}
    Indicates that the node has been added to the ISY.
  • {‘removed’: {‘node_address’: ...}}
    Indicates that the node has been removed from the ISY.
  • {‘renamed’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘name’: ...}}
    Indicates that the node has been renamed in the ISY.
  • {‘enabled’: {‘node_address’: ...}}
    Indicates that the node has been enabled in the ISY.
  • {‘disabled’: {‘node_address’: ...}}
    Indicates that the node has been disabled in the ISY.
  • {‘cmd’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘command’: ..., *’value’: ...., *’uom’: ..., *’<pn>.<uomn>’: ..., *’request_id’: ...}}
    Instructs the node server to run the specified command on the specified node. value and uom are optional and described the unnamed parameter. They will always appear together. <pn>.<uomn> will be repeated as necessary to described the unnamed parameters. They are also optional. request_id is optional.
  • {‘ping’: {}}
    This is a command from Polyglot requesting a Pong response. This is handled in the PolyglotConnector class.
  • {‘exit’: {}}
    This command is Polyglot instructing the node server to cleanly shut down.

Node Server STDOUT - Node Server to Polyglot

The following messages are accepted by Polyglot from the Node Server and will typically instruct Polyglot to send a response upstream to the ISY.

  • {‘config’: {... arbitrary data saved by the node server ...}}
    Sends configuration data to Polyglot to be saved. This data will be sent back to the Node Server, exactly as it has been sent to Polyglot, the next time the Node Server is started.
  • {‘install’: {}}
    Install the node server on the ISY. This has not been implemented yet.
  • {‘status’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘driver_control’: ..., ‘value’: ..., ‘uom’: ...}}
    Reports a node’s driver status.
  • {‘command’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘command’, ..., ‘value’: ...., ‘uom’: ..., ‘<pn>.<uomn>’: ...}}
    Reports that a command has been run on a node. value and uom are optional and described the unnamed parameter. They will always appear together. <pn>.<uomn> will be repeated as necessary to described the unnamed parameters. They are also optional.
  • {‘add’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘node_def_id’: ..., ‘primary’: ..., ‘name’: ...}}
    Adds a node to the ISY.
  • {‘change’: {‘node_address’: ..., ‘node_def_id’: ...}}
    Changes the node’s definition in the ISY.
  • {‘remove’: {‘node_address’: ...}}
    Instructs the ISY to remove a node.
  • {‘request’: {‘request_id’: ..., ‘result’: ...}}
    Replies to the ISY indicating that a request has been finished either successfully or unsuccessfully. The result parameter must be a boolean indicating this.
  • {‘pong’: {}}
    The proper response to a Ping command. Must be recieved within 30 seconds of a Ping command or Polyglot assumes the Node Server has stalled and kills it. This is handled automatically in the PolyglotConnector class.
  • {‘exit’: {}}
    Indicates to Polyglot that the node server has exited and is now closing. This is the last message sent from a node server. All messages following this will be ignored. It is not guaranteed that the node server process will continue to run after this command is sent.

Node Server STDERR - Node Server to Polyglot

STDERR messages have no structured formatting, they are free flowing text. Anything recieved by Polyglot through this stream will not be processed and will be immediately logged as an error. Do not send personal information in error messages as they will always be logged regardless of the log verbosity.