Source code for polyglot.nodeserver_api

This library consists of four classes and one function to assist with node
server development. The classes :class:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.NodeServer` and
:class:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.SimpleNodeServer` and basic structures for
creating a node server. The class :class:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.Node` is
used as an abstract class to crate custom nodes for node servers.  The class
:class:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.PolyglotConnector` is a bottom level
implementation of the API used to communicate between Polyglot and your
node server. Finally, included in this library is a method decorator,
:meth:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.auto_request_report`, that wraps functions and
methods to automatically handle report requests from the ISY.

.. decorator: PolyglotConnector
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import copy
from functools import wraps
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
from polyglot.utils import AsyncFileReader, Empty, LockQueue
import sys
import os
import threading
import time
import traceback
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Updated for YAML nodeserver config file (E.42) - for backwards compat
YAML = True
    import yaml
except ImportError:
    YAML = False

# Increment this version number each time a breaking change is made to
# anything that the nodeserver API exposes to a node server.  This makes
# it possible for the author of a node server to write code that can
# support multiple possibly-incompatible Polyglot servers.  This is
# important because node servers will often be distributed independently
# of Polyglot, and the authors of the node servers may have little to
# no control over what version of Polyglot the end user is running.


[docs]def auto_request_report(fun): """ Python decorator to automate request reporting. Decorated functions must return a boolean value indicating their success or failure. It the argument *request_id* is passed to the decorated function, a response will be sent to the ISY. This decorator is implemented in the SimpleNodeServer. """ @wraps(fun) def auto_request_report_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Handler function wrapper to automatically report request status to ISY """ request_id = kwargs.get('request_id', None) success = fun(*args, **kwargs) if request_id and _POLYGLOT_CONNECTION is not None: _POLYGLOT_CONNECTION.report_request_status(request_id, bool(success)) return success return auto_request_report_wrapper
[docs]class Node(object): """ Abstract class for representing a node in a node server. :param parent: The node server that controls the node :type parent: polyglot.nodeserver_api.NodeServer :param str address: The address of the node in the ISY without the node server ID prefix :param str name: The name of the node :param primary: The primary node for the device this node belongs to, or True if it's the primary. :type primary: polyglot.nodeserver_api.Node or True if this node is the primary. :param manifest: The node manifest saved by the node server :type manifest: dict or None .. document private methods .. autoattribute:: _drivers .. autoattribute:: _commands """ def __init__(self, parent, address, name, primary=True, manifest=None): """ update driver values from manifest """ self.parent = parent self.logger = self.parent.poly.logger self.address = address self.primary = primary self._drivers = copy.deepcopy(self._drivers) manifest = manifest.get(address, {}) if manifest else {} new_node = manifest == {} if not hasattr(parent, '_is_node_server'): raise RuntimeError('Error: node "%s", parent "%s" is not a NodeServer.' % (name, parent)) self.added = manifest.get('added', False) self.enabled = manifest.get('enabled', False) = manifest.get('name', name) self.probe_t = 0 drivers = manifest.get('drivers', {}) for key, value in self._drivers.items(): self._drivers[key][0] = drivers.get(key, value[0]) self.smsg( '**INFO: Node initialized: addr="{}" name="{}" added={} enabled={}' .format(self.address,, self.added, self.enabled)) self.add_node()
[docs] def smsg(self, strng): """ Logs/sends a diagnostic/debug, informative, or error message. Individual node servers can override this method if they desire to redirect or filter these messages. """ self.parent.smsg(strng)
[docs] def run_cmd(self, command, **kwargs): """ Runs one of the node's commands. :param str command: The name of the command :param dict kwargs: The parameters specified by the ISY in the incoming request. See the ISY Node Server documentation for more information. :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure of command """ if command in self._commands: fun = self._commands[command] success = fun(self, **kwargs) return success return False
[docs] def set_driver(self, driver, value, uom=None, report=True): """ Updates the value of one of the node's drivers. This will pass the given value through the driver's formatter before assignment. :param str driver: The name of the driver :param value: The new value for the driver :param uom: The given values unit of measurement. This should correspond to the UOM IDs used by the ISY. Refer to the ISY documentation for more information. :type uom: int or None :param boolean report: Indicates if the value change should be reported to the ISY. If False, the value is changed silently. :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure to set new value """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument if driver in self._drivers: clean_value = self._drivers[driver][2](value) changed = (clean_value != self._drivers[driver][0]) in_sync = self._isy_synced.get(driver, False) if changed or not in_sync: self._drivers[driver][0] = clean_value if report: self._isy_synced[driver] = True self.report_driver(driver) else: self._isy_synced[driver] = False return True self.smsg('**ERROR: node "{}": set_driver(): invalid driver "{}"' .format(, driver)) return False
[docs] def report_driver(self, driver=None): """ Reports a driver's current value to ISY :param driver: The name of the driver to report. If None, all drivers are reported. :type driver: str or None :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure to report driver value """ if not self.enabled or not self.added: return True if driver is None: drivers = self._drivers.keys() else: drivers = [driver] for driver in drivers: self.parent.report_status( self.address, driver, self._drivers[driver][0], self._drivers[driver][1], self._report_driver_cb, None, driver=driver) return True
[docs] def _report_driver_cb(self, driver, status_code, **kwargs): """ Private method - updates ISY syncronization flag based on the success/fail of the status update API call to the ISY. """ if driver not in self._drivers: self.smsg( '**ERROR: node "{}": driver "{}": no longer exists.' .format(, driver)) return False if int(status_code) == 200: self._isy_synced[driver] = True self.smsg( '**DEBUG: node "{}": driver "{}": status sent to ISY ok.' .format(, driver)) else: self._isy_synced[driver] = False self.smsg( '**ERROR: node "{}": driver "{}": unable to report status to ISY: {}' .format(, driver, status_code)) return True
[docs] def get_driver(self, driver=None): """ Gets a driver's value :param driver: The driver to return the value for :type driver: str or None :returns: The current value of the driver """ if driver is not None: return self._drivers[driver] else: return self._drivers
[docs] def query(self): """ Abstractly queries the node. This method should generally be overwritten in development. :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure of node query """ self.report_driver() return True
[docs] def add_node(self): """ Adds node to the ISY :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure of node addition """ if (int(len(self.address)) > 14): self.smsg( '**ERROR: name too long (>14), will fail when adding on ISY): "{}"' .format(self.address)) self.smsg('**DEBUG: node "%s": parent="%s"' % (, self.parent)) self.parent.add_node(self) self.report_driver() return True
[docs] def report_isycmd(self, isycommand, value=None, uom=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Sends a single command from the node server to the ISY, optionally passing in a value. No formatting, and little validation, of the isy cmd, value, or uom is done by this simple low-level API. It is up to the caller to ensure correctness. :param str isycommand: Name of the ISY command to send (e.g. 'DON') :param value: (optional) The value to be sent for the command :type value: string, float, int, or None :param uom: (optional) - The value's unit of measurement. If provided, overrides the uom defined for this command :type uom: int or None :param timeout: (optional) - the number of seconds before this command expires and is discarded :type timeout: int or None :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure to queue for sending (Note: does NOT indicate if actually delivered) """ # Test for a valid defined command if isycommand not in self._sends: self.smsg( '**ERROR: node "{}": report_isycmd(): unknown ISY command "{}"' .format(, isycommand)) return False if value is None: v = None u = None else: # Value is provided - make sure we have a uom if uom is None: u = self._sends[isycommand][1] else: u = uom # Convert/clean the value if such a function was defined if self._sends[isycommand][2] is not None: v = self._sends[isycommand][2](value) else: v = value # Save the value and uom we're sending, for reference self._sends[isycommand][0] = v self._sends[isycommand][1] = u # Issue the command itself return self.parent.poly.report_command( self.address, isycommand, v, u, timeout, **kwargs)
# TODO: test/document extended ISY command API: # extras = {'GV1.uom56': int(gv1_value)} # node.report_isycmd('DON', **extras) # TODO: callback for timeout/error handling -- but first # need to define desired behavior in such cases @property def manifest(self): """ The node's manifest entry. Indicates the current value of each of the drivers. This is called by the node server to create the full manifest. :type: dict """ manifest = {'name':, 'added': self.added, 'enabled': self.enabled, 'node_def_id': self.node_def_id, 'drivers': {}} for key, val in self._drivers.items(): if len(val) < 4 or val[3] is True: manifest['drivers'][key] = val[0] return manifest _isy_synced = {} """ Internal dictionary containing the synchronization status of this driver with the ISY. Used to eliminate unnecessary status updates. """ _drivers = {} """ The drivers controlled by this node. This is a dictionary of lists. The key's are the driver names as defined by the ISY documentation. Each list contains at least three values: the initial value, the UOM identifier, and a function that will properly format the value before assignment. The fourth value is optional -- if provided, and set to "False", the driver's value will not be recorded in the manifest (this is useful to reduce I/O when there is no benefit to restoring the driver's value on restart). *Insteon Dimmer Example:* .. code-block:: python _drivers = { 'ST': [0, 51, int], 'OL': [100, 51, int], 'RR': [0, 32, int] } *Pulse Time Example:* .. code-block:: python _drivers = { 'ST': [0, 56, int, False], } """ _sends = {} """ A dictionary of the commands that this node sends to the ISY. The keys are the command names to be sent to the ISY. Each list contains at least three values: the last command value sent to the ISY, the UOM identifier for that command, and a function that will properly format the value before sending it. If the command will never send a value (e.g. 'DOF'), setting all three to None is appropriate. *Simple Dimmer Switch Example:* .. code-block:: python _sends = { 'DON': [0, 51, int], 'DOF': [None, None, None] } """ _commands = {} """ A dictionary of the commands that the node can perform. The keys of this dictionary are the names of the command. The values are functions that must be defined in the node object that perform the necessary actions and return a boolean indicating the success or failure of the command. """ node_def_id = '' """ The node's definition ID defined in the node server's profile """
[docs]class NodeServer(object): """ It is generally desireable to not be required to bind to each event. For this reason, the NodeServer abstract class is available. This class should be abstracted. It binds appropriate handlers to the API events and contains a suitable run loop. It should serve as a basic structure for any node server. :param poly: The connected Polyglot connection :type poly: polyglot.nodeserver_api.PolyglotConnector :param int optional shortpoll: The seconds between poll events :param int optional longpoll: The second between longpoll events """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument poly = None """ The Polyglot Connection :type: polyglot.nodeserver_api.PolyglotConnector """ def __init__(self, poly, shortpoll=1, longpoll=30): # create/store properties self.poly = poly self.config = {} self.running = False self.shortpoll = shortpoll self.longpoll = longpoll self.logger = None self._is_node_server = True self._seq = 1000 self._seq_lock = threading.Lock() self._seq_cb = {} # bind callbacks to events poly.listen('config', self.on_config) poly.listen('install', self.on_install) poly.listen('query', self.on_query) poly.listen('status', self.on_status) poly.listen('add_all', self.on_add_all) poly.listen('added', self.on_added) poly.listen('removed', self.on_removed) poly.listen('renamed', self.on_renamed) poly.listen('enabled', self.on_enabled) poly.listen('disabled', self.on_disabled) poly.listen('cmd', self.on_cmd) poly.listen('exit', self.on_exit) poly.listen('result', self.on_result) poly.listen('statistics', self.on_statistics)
[docs] def setup(self): """ Setup the node server. All node servers must override this method and call it thru super. Currently it only sets up the reference for the logger. """ self.logger = self.poly.logger
[docs] def smsg(self, strng): """ Logs/sends a diagnostic/debug, informative, or error message. Individual node servers can override this method if they desire to redirect or filter these messages. """ self.poly.send_error(strng)
[docs] def on_config(self, **data): """ Received configuration data from Polyglot :param dict data: Configuration data :returns bool: True on success """ self.config = data return True
[docs] def on_install(self, profile_number): """ Received install command from ISY :param int profile_number: Noder Server's profile number :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_query(self, node_address, request_id=None): """ Received query command from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_status(self, node_address, request_id=None): """ Received status command from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_add_all(self, request_id=None): """ Received add all command from ISY :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_added(self, node_address, node_def_id, primary_node_address, name): """ Received node added report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str node_def_id: The node definition id :param str primary_node_address: The node server's primary node address :param str name: The node's friendly name :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_removed(self, node_address): """ Received node removed report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_renamed(self, node_address, name): """ Received node renamed report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str name: The node's friendly name :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_enabled(self, node_address): """ Received node enabled report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_disabled(self, node_address): """ Received node disabled report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_cmd(self, node_address, command, value=None, uom=None, request_id=None, **kwargs): """ Received run command from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str command: The command to run :param optional value: The value of the command's unnamed parameter :param optional uom: The units of measurement for the unnamed parameter :param str optional request_id: Status request id :param optional <pN>.<uomN>: The value of parameter pN with units uomN :returns bool: True on success """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return False
[docs] def on_statistics(self, **kwargs): """ Handles a statistics message, which contains various statistics on the operation of the Polyglot server and the network communications. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use return True
[docs] def on_exit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Polyglot has triggered a clean shutdown. Generally, this method does not need to be orwritten. :returns bool: True on success """ self.running = False return True
[docs] def on_result(self, seq, status_code, elapsed, text, retries, **kwargs): """ Handles a result message, which contains the result from a REST API call to the ISY. The result message is uniquely identified by the seq id, and will always contain at least the numeric status. """ if seq not in self._seq_cb: self.smsg('**ERROR: on_result: missing callback for seq={}'.format(seq)) return False func, args = self._seq_cb.pop(seq) return func(seq=seq, status_code=status_code, elapsed=elapsed, text=text, retries=retries, **args)
[docs] def register_result_cb(self, func, **kwargs): """ Registers a callback function to handle a result. Returns the unique sequence ID to be passed to the function whose result is to be handled by the registered callback. """ self._seq_lock.acquire() try: self._seq += 1 s = self._seq finally: self._seq_lock.release() self._seq_cb[s] = [func, kwargs] return s
[docs] def add_node(self, node_address, node_def_id, node_primary_addr, node_name, callback=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Add this node to the polyglot :returns bool: True on success """ seq = None if callback: seq = self.register_result_cb(callback, **kwargs) self.poly.add_node(node_address, node_def_id, node_primary_addr, node_name, timeout, seq) return True
[docs] def report_status(self, node_address, driver_control, value, uom, callback=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Report a node status to the ISY :returns bool: True on success """ seq = None if callback: seq = self.register_result_cb(callback, **kwargs) self.poly.report_status(node_address, driver_control, value, uom, timeout, seq) return True
[docs] def restcall(self, api, callback=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Sends an asynchronous REST API call to the ISY. Returns the unique seq id (that can be used to match up the result later on after the REST call completes). """ if callback: seq = self.register_result_cb(callback, **kwargs) self.poly.restcall(api, timeout, seq) return seq
[docs] def tock(self): """ Called every few seconds for internal housekeeping. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use pass
[docs] def poll(self): """ Called every shortpoll seconds to allow for updating nodes. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use pass
[docs] def long_poll(self): """ Called every longpoll seconds for less important polling. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use pass
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the Node Server. Exit when triggered. Generally, this method should not be overwritten. """ self.running = True self.poly.connect() scounter = 0 lcounter = 0 tcounter = 0 try: while self.running: time.sleep(1) scounter += 1 lcounter += 1 tcounter += 1 if scounter >= self.shortpoll: self.poll() scounter = 0 if lcounter >= self.longpoll: self.long_poll() lcounter = 0 if tcounter >= 7: self.tock() tcounter = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: self.on_exit() self.poly.exit()
[docs]class SimpleNodeServer(NodeServer): """ Simple Node Server with basic functionality built-in. This class inherits from :class:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.NodeServer` and is the best starting point when developing a new node server. This class implements the idea of manifests which are dictionaries that contain the relevant information about all of the nodes. The manifest gets sent to Polyglot to be saved as part of the configuration. This allows the node server to automatically recall its last known values when it is restarted. .. decorated """ _rest_response = {} nodes = OrderedDict() """ Nodes registered with this node server. All nodes are automatically added by the add_node method. The keys are the node IDs while the values are instances of :class:`polyglot.nodeserver_api.Node`. Classes inheriting can access this directly, but the prefered method is by using get_node or exist_node methods. """ @auto_request_report
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """ Add node to the Polyglot and the nodes dictionary. :param node: The node to add :type node: polyglot.nodeserver_api.Node :returns boolean: Indicates success or failure of node addition """ na = node.address if na not in self.nodes: self.nodes[na] = node if not self.nodes[na].added: # By default the primary_address is its own address... primary_addr = na # ...unless a node was passed in as the primary. if node.primary is not True: # A primary node must be its own primary because ISY only # supports one level deep. if not node.primary.primary is True: raise RuntimeError('Error: node "%s", primary "%s" is not primary.' % (, primary_addr = node.primary.address self.smsg('**DEBUG: add_node: na="{}", id="{}", pa="{}", nm="{}"' .format(na, node.node_def_id, primary_addr, super(SimpleNodeServer, self).add_node(na, node.node_def_id, primary_addr,, self._add_node_cb, None, na=na) return True
def tock(self): all_nodes = list(self.nodes.keys()) if len(all_nodes) > 0: t = int(time.time()) next_t = t + 600 + (7 * self.poly.profile) for node in self.nodes.values(): next_t += 7 if node.probe_t < t: # Request the check - sends rest api call self.request_node_probe(node.address) # Mark node for next check node.probe_t = next_t # [TODO] extend probe for unknown nodes return True def request_node_probe(self, node_address, timeout=None): pfx = str(self.poly.profile).zfill(3) full_addr = 'n{}_{}'.format(pfx, node_address) api = 'nodes/' + full_addr self.smsg('**DEBUG: request_node_probe: na="{}" fa="{}" api="{}"' .format(node_address, full_addr, api)) return super(SimpleNodeServer, self).restcall( api, self.node_probe_response, timeout, na=node_address) def node_probe_response(self, status_code, text, na, **kwargs): self.smsg('**DEBUG: probe: st={} na="{}" text: {}' .format(status_code, na, text)) if na in self.nodes: node = self.nodes[na] else: self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: node "{}" does not exist'.format(na)) # No action practical for this problem return False if status_code != 200: self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: status code: {}'.format(status_code)) if status_code == 404 and node.added: self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: na="{}": state mismatch'.format(na)) self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: ISY does not think this node exists') self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: Correcting local node state') node.enabled = False node.added = False return True # Parse the XML response text from the ISY try: root = ET.fromstring(text) except ET.ParseError: self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: Unable to parse ISY response: {}' .format(text)) # No action practical for this problem return False # Find the root node element n = root.find('node') if n is None: self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: missing node element in response: {}' .format(text)) # No action practical for this problem return False # Extract all the other fields we're interested in n_def_id = n.attrib.get('nodeDefId', None) n_flag = n.attrib.get('flag', '0') n_addr = n.findtext('address') n_name = n.findtext('name') n_pnode = n.findtext('pnode') n_enabled = (n.findtext('enabled', 'false') == 'true') self.smsg('**INFO: probe: fa={} pfa={} id={} fl={} en={} nm="{}"' .format(n_addr, n_pnode, n_def_id, n_flag, n_enabled, n_name)) # Check that the fields match our node pfx = str(self.poly.profile).zfill(3) full_addr = 'n{}_{}'.format(pfx, node.address) if full_addr != n_addr: self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: expected na="{}", response is for na="{}"' .format(full_addr, n_addr)) # No action practical for this problem return False if node.node_def_id != n_def_id: self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: expected id="{}", response is for id="{}"' .format(node.node_def_id, n_def_id)) self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: setting local node state to "not added"') node.enabled = False node.added = False return True if node.primary is not True: primary_addr = node.primary.address else: primary_addr = node.address full_paddr = 'n{}_{}'.format(pfx, primary_addr) if full_paddr != n_pnode: self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: node parent mismatch, local: "{}" ISY: "{}"' .format(full_paddr, n_pnode)) self.smsg('**ERROR: probe: setting local node state to "not added"') node.enabled = False node.added = False return True if not node.added: self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: node state mismatch - node is added on ISY') self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: correcting local node state') node.added = True if != n_name: self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: node name mismatch, local: "{}" ISY: "{}"' .format(, n_name)) self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: correcting local node name') = n_name if node.enabled != n_enabled: self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: node enable mismatch, local:"{}" ISY:"{}"' .format(node.enabled, n_enabled)) self.smsg('**WARNING: probe: correcting local node state') node.enabled = n_enabled return True def restcall(self, api, timeout=None): self.smsg('**DEBUG: restcall: api="{}"'.format(api)) return super(SimpleNodeServer, self).restcall( api, self._save_rest_response, timeout) def get_rest_response(self, seq): return self._rest_response.pop(seq, None) def _save_rest_response(self, **kwargs): seq = kwargs['seq'] self._rest_response[seq] = kwargs return True def _add_node_cb(self, na, status_code, **kwargs): if int(status_code) == 200: if na in self.nodes: self.nodes[na].added = True self.smsg( '**INFO: node "{}": node successfully added on ISY' .format(na)) return True else: self.smsg( '**ERROR: node "{}": node added on ISY, but no longer exists.' .format(na)) else: self.smsg( '**ERROR: node "{}": node add REST call to ISY failed: {}' .format(na, status_code)) return False def _enable_node(self, address): # Ensure the addressed node is enabled, and if the state changes # then force the configuration file update to record same if not self.nodes[address].enabled: self.nodes[address].enabled = True self.smsg('**INFO: node "{}" enabled'.format(address)) self.update_config() self.probe_t = 0 def _disable_node(self, address): # Ensure the addressed node is disabled - as above if self.nodes[address].enabled: self.nodes[address].enabled = False self.smsg('**INFO: node "{}" disabled'.format(address)) self.update_config() self.probe_t = 0
[docs] def get_node(self, address): """ Get a node by its address. :param str address: The node address :returns polyglot.nodeserver_api.Node: If found, otherwise False """ if address in self.nodes: return self.nodes[address] return False
[docs] def exist_node(self, address): """ Check if a node exists by its address. :param str address: The node address :returns bool: True if the node exists """ if address in self.nodes: return True return False
[docs] def update_config(self, replace_manifest=False): """ Updates the configuration with new node manifests and sends the configuration to Polyglot to be saved. :param boolean replace_manifest: replace or merge existing manifest """ if replace_manifest: output = OrderedDict() else: output = self.config.get('manifest', OrderedDict()) for node_addr, node in self.nodes.items(): output[node.address] = node.manifest self.config['manifest'] = output self.poly.send_config(self.config)
[docs] def on_enabled(self, node_address): """ Received node enabled report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :returns bool: True on success """ self._enable_node(node_address) return True
[docs] def on_disabled(self, node_address): """ Received node disabled report from ISY :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :returns bool: True on success """ self._disable_node(node_address) return True
[docs] def on_query(self, node_address, request_id=None): """ Queries each node and reports all control values to the ISY. Also responds to report requests if necessary. :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ if node_address in self.nodes: self._enable_node(node_address) return self.nodes[node_address].query() elif node_address == "0": return all([node.query() for node in self.nodes.values()]) else: self.smsg('**ERROR: on_query: node "{}" does not exist' .format(node_address)) return False
[docs] def on_status(self, node_address, request_id=None): """ Reports the requested node's control values to the ISY without forcing a query. Also sends requests reponses when necessary. :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ if node_address in self.nodes: self._enable_node(node_address) return self.nodes[node_address].report_driver() elif node_address == "0": return all([node.report_driver() for node in self.nodes.values()]) else: self.smsg('**ERROR: on_status: node "{}" does not exist' .format(node_address)) return False
[docs] def on_add_all(self, request_id=None): """ Adds all nodes to the ISY. Also sends requests reponses when necessary. :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ all_nodes = list(self.nodes.keys()) if len(all_nodes) > 0: for node in self.nodes.values(): node.add_node() return True
[docs] def on_added(self, node_address, node_def_id, primary_node_address, name): """ Internally indicates that the specified node has been added to the ISY. :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str node_def_id: The node definition id :param str primary_node_address: The node server's primary node address :param str name: The node's friendly name :param str optional request_id: Status request id :returns bool: True on success """ if node_address in self.nodes: self.nodes[node_address].added = True self.nodes[node_address].enabled = True self.nodes[node_address].name = name return True self.smsg('**ERROR: on_added: node "{}" does not exist' .format(node_address)) return False
[docs] def on_removed(self, node_address): """ Internally indicates that a node has been removed from the ISY. :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :returns bool: True on success """ if node_address in self.nodes: self.nodes[node_address].added = False self.nodes[node_address].enabled = False return True self.smsg('**WARNING: on_removed: node "{}" does not exist' .format(node_address)) return False
[docs] def on_renamed(self, node_address, name): """ Changes the node name internally to match the ISY. :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str name: The node's friendly name :returns bool: True on success """ if node_address in self.nodes: orig_name = self.nodes[node_address].name self.nodes[node_address].name = name self.smsg('**INFO: node "{}" renamed from "{}" to "{}"' .format(node_address, orig_name, name)) self._enable_node(node_address) return True self.smsg('**ERROR: on_renamed: node "{}" does not exist' .format(node_address)) return False
[docs] def on_cmd(self, node_address, command, value=None, uom=None, request_id=None, **kwargs): """ Runs the specified command on the specified node. Also sends requests reponses when necessary. :param str node_address: The address of the node to act on :param str command: The command to run :param optional value: The value of the command's unnamed parameter :param optional uom: The units of measurement for the unnamed parameter :param str optional request_id: Status request id :param optional <pN>.<uomN>: The value of parameter pN with units uomN :returns bool: True on success """ if node_address in self.nodes: self._enable_node(node_address) return self.nodes[node_address].run_cmd( command, value=value, cmd=command, uom=uom, **kwargs) self.smsg('**ERROR: on_cmd: node "{}" does not exist for command "{}"' .format(node_address, command)) return False
[docs] def on_exit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Triggers a clean shut down of the node server by saving the manifest, clearing the IO, and stopping. :returns bool: True on success """ # save manifest self.update_config() # cleanly close self.running = False return True
[docs]class PolyglotConnector(object): """ Polyglot API implementation. Connects to Polyglot and handles node server IO. :raises: RuntimeError .. decorated """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes commands = ['config', 'install', 'query', 'status', 'add_all', 'added', 'removed', 'renamed', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'cmd', 'ping', 'exit', 'params', 'result', 'statistics'] """ Commands that may be invoked by Polyglot """ logger = None """ logger is initialized after the node server wait_for_config completes by the setup_log method and the log file is located in the node servers sandbox. Once wait_for_config is complete, you can call `'This variable is set to %s', variable)` """ def __init__(self): # make singleton # pylint: disable=global-statement global _POLYGLOT_CONNECTION if _POLYGLOT_CONNECTION is not None: raise RuntimeError('PolyglotConnector may only be created once.') # setup properties self._outq = LockQueue() self._errq = LockQueue() self._handlers = defaultdict(list) self._threads = {} self._started = time.time() self._got_config = False self.params = False self.isyver = False self.sandbox = False self.configfile = None self.path = None self.nodeserver_config = None = False self.apiver = False self.profile = None # listen for important events self.listen('ping', self.pong) self.listen('config', self._recv_config) self.listen('params', self.get_params) # setup logging - redirect warnings and errors to stderr fmt = '%(name)s: %(message)s' handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt)) # store connection globally in module _POLYGLOT_CONNECTION = self @property def uptime(self): """ The number of sections the connection with Polyglot has been alive :type: float """ return time.time() - self._started # manage connection @property def connected(self): """ Indicates if the object is connected to Polyglot. Can be set to control connection with Polyglot. :type: boolean """ return self._threads.get('stdout') \ and self._threads['stdout'].isAlive() @connected.setter def connected(self, val): """ Setter that connects object to Polyglot """ if val: self.connect() else: self.disconnect()
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connects to Polyglot if not currently connected """ if not self.connected: self._outq.locked = False self._errq.locked = False self._threads = {} self._threads['stdin'] = AsyncFileReader(sys.stdin, self._parse_cmd) self._threads['stdout'] = threading.Thread(target=self._send_out) self._threads['stdout'].daemon = True self._threads['stderr'] = threading.Thread(target=self._send_err) self._threads['stderr'].daemon = True for _, thread in self._threads.items(): thread.start()
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnects from Polyglot. Blocks the thread until IO stream is clear """ if self.connected: #self._outq.locked = True #self._errq.locked = True self._outq.join() self._errq.join() self._threads = {}
[docs] def wait_for_config(self): """ Blocks the thread until the configuration is received """ while not self._got_config: time.sleep(.5) self.logger = self.setup_log(self.sandbox, self._read_nodeserver_config()
def _read_nodeserver_config(self): """ Reads custom config file and presents it to node server as nodeserver_config """ if YAML: if self.configfile == None: self.smsg('**INFO: No custom "configfile" found in server.json. \ Trying the default of config.yaml.') self.configfile = 'config.yaml' else: self.smsg('**INFO: Custom config file option found in server.json: \ {}'.format(self.configfile)) try: with open(os.path.join(self.path, self.configfile), 'r') as cfg: self.nodeserver_config = yaml.safe_load(cfg) self.smsg('**INFO: {} - Config file loaded as dictionary to \ "poly.nodeserver_config"'.format(self.configfile)) except yaml.YAMLError, exc: if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'): mark = exc.problem_mark self.smsg('**ERROR: Error in config file. Position: (Line: \ {}: Column: {})'.format(mark.line+1, mark.column+1)) self.smsg('{} - '.format(exc)) except IOError as e: self.smsg('**INFO: No config file found, or it is unreadable. This is normal \ if your nodeserver doesn\'t need a config file.') else: self.smsg('**ERROR: PyYAML module not installed... skipping custom config sections. \ "sudo pip install pyyaml" to use')
[docs] def write_nodeserver_config(self, default_flow_style=False, indent=4): """ Writes any changes to the nodeserver custom configuration file. self.nodeserver_config should be a dictionary. Refrain from calling this in a poll of any kind. Typically you won't even have to write this unless you are storing custom data you want retrieved on the next run. Saved automatically during normal Polyglot shutdown. Returns True for success, False for failure. :param boolean default_flow_style: YAML's default flow style formatting. Default False :param int indent: Override the default indent spaces for YAML. Default 4 """ if YAML: try: with open(os.path.join(self.path, self.configfile), 'r') as read: existing = yaml.safe_load(read) if existing == self.nodeserver_config: self.smsg('**INFO: NodeServer configuration file matches running \ config... Skipping write.') return True except yaml.YAMLError as e: # the saved config file is bad, report the error and fix it self.logger.error('**ERROR: write_nodeserver_config: {}'.format(e)) # return False except IOError as e: # the saved config file may not exist, ignore open/read error and write one #self.smsg('**ERROR: write_nodeserver_config: Could not read to nodeserver config file {}' + # ' error={}).format( # self.configfile, # e )) pass try: with open(os.path.join(self.path, self.configfile), 'w') as write: yaml.dump(self.nodeserver_config, write, default_flow_style=default_flow_style, indent=indent) self.smsg('**INFO: NodeServer configuration file is different than running config... Updated file.') return True except yaml.YAMLError as e: self.logger.error('**ERROR: write_nodeserver_config: {}'.format(e)) return False except IOError: self.smsg('**ERROR: write_nodeserver_config: Could not write to nodeserver config file {}'.format(self.configfile)) return False else: self.smsg('**ERROR: PyYAML module not installed... skipping custom config sections. "sudo pip install pyyaml" to use') return True
# manage output def _send_out(self): """ Send output through pipe """ while not self._outq.locked or not self._outq.empty(): try: line = self._outq.get(True, 5) except Empty: pass else: sys.stdout.write('{}\n'.format(line)) self._outq.task_done() sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(.1) def _send_err(self): """ Send error through pipe """ while not self._errq.locked or not self._errq.empty(): try: line = self._errq.get(True, 5) except Empty: pass else: sys.stderr.write('{}\n'.format(line)) self._errq.task_done() sys.stderr.flush() time.sleep(.1) # manage input def _parse_cmd(self, cmd): """ Parses a received command. :param cmd: String command received from Polyglot """ if len(cmd) >= 2: # parse command try: cmd = json.loads(cmd) except ValueError: self.send_error('Received badly formatted command ' + '(not json): {}'.format(cmd)) return False # split command try: cmd_code = list(cmd.keys())[0] args = cmd[cmd_code] except (KeyError, IndexError): self.send_error('Received badly formatted command: {} ' .format(cmd)) return False # validate command if cmd_code not in self.commands: self.send_error('Received invalid command: {}'.format(cmd)) return False time.sleep(.1) # execute command return self._recv(cmd_code, args) def _recv(self, cmd_code, data): """ Handle command was received. :param cmd: The command that has been received :param data: Dictionary of received data """ # pylint: disable=broad-except success = [] for fun in self._handlers[cmd_code]: try: success.append(fun(**data)) except Exception as err: if '--debug' in sys.argv: raise err else: err_msg = repr(err).replace('\n', '') fun_name = fun.__name__ self.send_error('Error handling {} in function {}: {}' .format(cmd_code, fun_name, err_msg) + traceback.format_exc()) else: if not success[-1]: fun_name = fun.__name__ self.send_error('Unsuccessful handling {} in function {}' .format(cmd_code, fun_name)) return all(success) def _recv_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """ note that the config has been received. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._got_config = True return True
[docs] def get_params(self, **kwargs): """ Get the params from nodeserver and makes them available to the nodeserver api """ self.isyver = kwargs['isyver'] self.sandbox = kwargs['sandbox'] = kwargs['name'] self.pgver = kwargs['pgver'] self.pgapiver = kwargs['pgapiver'] self.profile = kwargs['profile'] self.configfile = kwargs['configfile'] self.path = kwargs['path'] return True
def setup_log(self, sandbox, name): # Setup logger for individual nodeservers, log to # /config/<nodeserver-name> self.log_filename = sandbox + "/" + name + ".log" # Could be "DEBUG", "WARNING", or "INFO" log_level = logging.DEBUG logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(log_level) # Make a handler that writes to a file, # making a new file at midnight, and keeping 30 backups handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( self.log_filename, when="midnight", backupCount=30) # Format each log message like this formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s %(message)s') # Attach the formatter to the handler handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Attach the handler to the logger logger.addHandler(handler) return logger # create output def _mk_cmd(self, cmd_code, **kwargs): """ Enqueue a command to be sent back to Polyglot. :param cmd_code: Command code :param args: arguments to send with command """ cmd = json.dumps({cmd_code: kwargs}) self._outq.put(cmd, True, 5)
[docs] def send_error(self, err_str): """ Enqueue an error to be sent back to Polyglot. :param str err_str: Error text to be sent to Polyglot log """ self._errq.put(err_str.replace('\n', ''), True, 5)
[docs] def smsg(self, str): """ Logs/sends a diagnostic/debug, informative, or error message. Individual node servers can override this method if they desire to redirect or filter these messages. """ self.send_error(str)
[docs] def send_config(self, config_data): """ Update the configuration in Polyglot. :param dict config_data: Dictionary of updated configuration :raises: ValueError """ if isinstance(config_data, dict): self._mk_cmd('config', **config_data) return True raise ValueError('send_config: config_data must be dictionary')
[docs] def install(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Abstract method to install the node server in the ISY. This has not been implemented yet and running it will raise an error. :raises: NotImplementedError """ # [future] implement when documentation is available raise NotImplementedError('install function has not been implemented')
[docs] def report_status(self, node_address, driver_control, value, uom, timeout=None, seq=None): """ Updates the ISY with the current value of a driver control (e.g. the current temperature, light level, etc.) :param str node_address: The full address of the node (e.g. 'dimmer_1') :param str driver_control: The name of the status value (e.g. 'ST', 'CLIHUM', etc.) :param value: The numeric status value (e.g. '80.5') :type value: str, float, or int :param uom: Unit of measure of the status value :type uom: int or str :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int """ self._mk_cmd('status', node_address=node_address, driver_control=driver_control, value=value, uom=uom, timeout=timeout, seq=seq)
[docs] def report_command(self, node_address, command, value=None, uom=None, timeout=None, seq=None, **kwargs): """ Sends a command to the ISY that may be used in programs and/or scenes. A common use of this is a physical switch that somebody turns on or off. Each time the switch is used, a command should be reported to the ISY. These are used for scenes and control conditions in ISY programs. :param str node_address: The full address of the node (e.g. 'switch_1) :param str command: The command to perform (e.g. 'DON', 'CLISPH', etc.) :param value: Optional unnamed value the command used :type value: str, int, or float :param uom: Optional units of measurement of value :type uom: int or str :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int :param optional <pN>.<uomN>: Nth Parameter name (e.g. 'level') . Unit of measure of the Nth parameter (e.g. 'seconds', 'uom58') """ kwargs.update({'node_address': node_address, 'command': command}) if value is not None: kwargs['value'] = value if uom is not None: kwargs['uom'] = uom if timeout is not None: kwargs['timeout'] = timeout if seq is not None: kwargs['seq'] = seq self._mk_cmd('command', **kwargs)
[docs] def add_node(self, node_address, node_def_id, primary, name, timeout=None, seq=None): """ Adds a node to the ISY. To make this node the primary, set primary to the same value as node_address. :param str node_address: The full address of the node (e.g. 'dimmer_1') :param str node_def_id: The id of the node definition to use for this node :param str primary: The primary node for the device this node belongs to :param str name: The name of the node :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int """ args = {'node_address': node_address, 'node_def_id': node_def_id, 'primary': primary, 'name': name} if timeout is not None: args['timeout'] = timeout if seq is not None: args['seq'] = seq self._mk_cmd('add', **args)
[docs] def change_node(self, node_address, node_def_id, timeout=None, seq=None): """ Changes the node definition to use for an existing node. An example of this is may be to change a thermostat node from Fahrenheit to Celsius. :param str node_address: The full address of the node (e.g. 'dimmer_1') :param str node_def_id: The id of the node definition to use for this node :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int """ self._mk_cmd('change', node_address=node_address, node_def_id=node_def_id, timeout=timeout, seq=seq)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node_address, timeout=None, seq=None): """ Removes a node from the ISY. A node cannot be removed if it is the primary node for at least one other node. :param str node_address: The full address of the node (e.g. 'dimmer_1') :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int """ self._mk_cmd('remove', node_address=node_address, timeout=timeout, seq=seq)
[docs] def report_request_status(self, request_id, success, timeout=None, seq=None): """ When the ISY sends a request to the node server, the request may contain a 'requestId' field. This indicates to the node server that when the request is completed, it must send a fail or success report for that request. This allows the ISY to in effect, have the node server synchronously perform tasks. This message must be sent after all other messages related to the task have been sent. For example, if the ISY sends a request to query a node, all the results of the query must be sent to the ISY before a fail/success report is sent. :param str request_id: The request ID the ISY supplied on a request to the node server. :param bool success: Indicates if the request was sucessful :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int """ self._mk_cmd('request', request_id=request_id, success=success, timeout=timeout, seq=seq)
[docs] def restcall(self, api, timeout=None, seq=None): """ Calls a RESTful api on the ISY. The api is the portion of the url after the "https://isy/rest/" prefix. :param str api: The url for the api to call :param timeout: (optional) timeout (seconds) for REST call to ISY :type timeout: str, float, or int :param seq: (optional) set to unique id if result callback desired :type seq: str or int """ self._mk_cmd('restcall', api=api, timeout=timeout, seq=seq)
[docs] def pong(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends pong reply to Polyglot's ping request. This verifies that the communication between the Node Server and Polyglot is functioning. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._mk_cmd('pong') return True
[docs] def request_stats(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends a command to Polyglot to request a statistics message. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._mk_cmd('statistics') return True
[docs] def exit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Tells Polyglot that this Node Server is done. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.write_nodeserver_config() self._mk_cmd('exit') self.disconnect() return True
# manage handlers
[docs] def listen(self, event, handler): """ Register an event handler. Returns True on success. Event names are defined in `commands`. Handlers must be callable. :param str event: Then event name to listen for. :param callable handler: The callable event handler. """ if event not in self.commands: return False if not callable(handler): return False self._handlers[event].append(handler) return True